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  • Writer's pictureWeaver Insurance Agency

Realtors - Flood Insurance Zone Survey Made Easy!

On a week to week basis, our agency receives numerous calls and or emails from Realtors all over the region asking if a property is high risk or not. Our agency has been the niche' agency for flood insurance since our inception in 2009 as an insurance office . We love interacting and finding ways to help property buyers find the best coverage available for the specific zone the property is located.

We have a new web page that we have developed especially for realtors and consumers to utilize. Once the request is filed, our staff will begin the research - find out what coverage options you have for a particular property, provide a flood zone determination document and a map of the property indicating the newest flood zoning for that area. The turn around time will be fast, convenient and comprehensive. We will provide options from both the Private Market and National Flood Insurance Program. This is a free service to the public.

To utilize this feature, please visit our web page "flood" at Please feel free to pass the information along to those you may find the information useful.

Please note: As we enjoy electronic transmission of documents, we prefer to explain the different coverages, zoning and underwriting requirements in person or via phone to educate prior to purchase. Please provide the best phone number so we may contact you. This is for everyone's best interest.

If you would like a flood insurance presentation, please be sure to contact us so we can schedule a visit to your Real Estate office.

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